Here it is, the long-awaited version of Kangaroo Court 1.0.3, The Game That Makes You Hopping Mad! This is a non-sexual game FOR ADULTS. It is PG-rated and not meant for kids (unless they are VERY sophisticated and stable kids).
KC written in Hypercard 2, so you must have that app to use it. Had I known that Claris was going to take Hypercard out of the public domain, I would have kept it in Hypercard 1! Sorry, all you shareware-sters.
Version 2 will take full advantage of Hypercard 2, with color and so forth. Heck, if you can╒t beat ╘em, join ╘em.
Version 2 will also feature more and better animation, more witnesses, more testimonies, cooler sound, more game options, and lots of other stuff we haven╒t even thought of yet.
If you liked Version 1, please motivate us to do a GREAT Version 2 by putting $5 in an envelope, any envelope, RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND, and mailing it to:
Dave Dumanis Ñ 2134A Market Ñ San Francisco, CA 94114
We will put you on a mailing list for Version 2. THERE WILL BE A VERSION 2. How much extra work we put into it depends on how much of a response we get.
Thank you...we now return you to your regularly scheduled reality.